Hi Tribe:
For Viageur to meet the levels of success we aspire to, you and the community need to be our heart and soul. We have many exciting and innovative ways to get you the best of the best. But we want to make sure that you are leading at the core of what we do.
We are starting a new initiative that combines both travel and cryptocurrency. We are launching a crypto token called VVIP. This token will be your premier key to several opportunities:
VVIP holders who are Viageur users will have a lifetime discount based on the amount of tokens held
Discounts and member access to partner perks
Governance votes to give direction on social good projects and other initiatives
Bounties for Contributors to earn more VVIP
Receive reward givebacks paid in VVIP
Use of VVIP for payments in Viageur and receive up to an additional 5% discount when paying in full with VVIP
Exclusive access beyond any future users to new features for the Viageur app
Discounts and member access to partner perks
Pre-sale access to Premium NFTs and Point of Travel NFTs
Members also have the opportunity to receive randomized travel drops, which are prizes that range from hotel stays to flight tickets to private retreats.
Access to partner airdrops
For some of you, you may have already started your journey in cryptocurrency. For others, this might be totally new. And that is entirely OK. We want to make sure you have enough information to start and be comfortable.
This is why we have a wiki for you to reference, including "how-to," our team, our roadmap, and information you might find interesting.
However, we want to make sure one thing is clear: there is no cost to you to join the community. As being our first supporters, we are giving tokens for free.
Many companies today want to dictate what you should want in a product. We created Viageur because we wanted to create a product that you wanted for your travel and safety needs. The VVIP community is our way of keeping our promise to move in the direction that fits your needs.
So what's the first step?
Community needs conversation, and we'd love for you to first join our Discord - where we'll continue to share, learn, chat and feed into the network that we're building.
We are really excited about the possibility of opening up our app's direction to you. So take your seat at the table, and let's build this out together.